Teaching Resources

Teaching Sheets Guidelines
We are delighted to offer these teaching sheets as a free resource to aid educators in their teaching efforts. Please take a moment to review the guidelines for their use:

Usage Policy
Teaching Use Only: These materials are intended solely for educational purposes. Feel free to incorporate them into your lesson plans, classroom activities, and teaching strategies.

No Resale: Under no circumstances should these resources be sold or used for commercial gain. They are provided as a complimentary tool for educators and students.

How to Access
You can download the teaching sheets directly from our website. Simply click on the download link, and you will have access to the full range of materials available.

Suggestions for Use
Consider the following ways to integrate these sheets into your educational setting:
Classroom Activities: Use them as part of interactive lessons to engage students with hands-on learning.
Homework Assignments: Provide them as supplementary materials for students to complete at home.
Study Guides: Distribute them to assist students in preparing for exams or understanding complex topics.

Thank you for adhering to these guidelines and for your commitment to fostering a positive learning environment!

Butterflies Natures Dazzling Creatures

Common Garden Snail

 Bumblebee Natures Industrious Pollinator 

The Common Ladybird


Black Beetle

Common Slug

Garden Millipedes 

Garden Earthworms

Grasshoppers Natures Jumping Wonders

Common Earwig


Raising Caterpillars

Butterfly Life Cycle

How To Create A Wildlife Garden

Creating A Wildlife Pond 

How Children Can Help Insects

Getting Children Interested In Nature

Using An Insect Pooter

Making A Pit Trap For Insects